11월 21일 논문세미나 |
작성자 조혜진 | 2013-11-28 | 조회 881 |
11월 21일 논문세미나 *발표자 - 구민아 *논문제목 - Arsenic-induced cell proliferation is associated with enhanced ROS generation, Erk signaling and CyclinA expression. 논문링크 *발표자 - 류경은 *논문제목 - Graphene substrates promote adherence of human osteoblasts and mesenchymal stromal cells. 논문링크 - A graphene-based platform for induced pluripotent stem cells culture and differentiation. 논문링크 - Myoblast differentiation on graphene oxide. 논문링크 - Graphene nanogrids for selective and fast osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. 논문링크 - Graphene–Biomineral Hybrid Materials. 논문링크 |